Process of Gardening


Pruning Pruning can correct growth problems, remove dead or diseased wood, and maintain the appearance of your plants. As your plants mature you should prune

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Staking Trees that remain sturdy and upright when first planted do not need to be staked. Otherwise, stake trees just enough to keep them upright

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Dividing Dividing is done for several reasons: Often, older perennials grow poorly and dividing reinvigorates them. Dividing also keeps perennials from overgrowing or encroaching on

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Weeding Weeds can turn a wonderful garden into a mess very quickly. They do not come to your garden magically; weed seeds can remain active

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Mulching Mulches are good for controlling weeds and reducing surface erosion. They also keep the ground temperature fairly constant and help the soil retain moisture,

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Watering New plantings should be kept moist for the first three weeks after planting unless otherwise directed. This means that you should water long enough

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Fertilizing When you should fertilize depends on many factors, especially what type of fertilizer you use, what plants you are fertilizing, and the time of

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Deadheading Deadheading, or removing dead flowers from plants, prevents flowers from going to seed, which in turn causes them to bloom more profusely the following

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Winterizing In cold climates where frost and frozen ground is common throughout the winter you should consider protecting your most sensitive plants. Evergreen shrubs can

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