Module 2: Style – The elements of garden style
Developing a garden style requires a solid understanding of the ingredients that go into creating aesthetically pleasing garden designs. Once you understand the core elements, you can create beautiful gardens with confidence.
Additional Modules
Module 1: Site – What is a garden site and site analysis?
What is a site? Your site is the place where plants go: a garden, flower pot, window box, yard. While most people think of a […]
Module 2: Style – The elements of garden style
What is Style? Style can be many things to many people. For you it will be the unique way you arrange the materials that will […]
Module 3: Selection – Plants that fit your site and style
You will probably get plants and seeds from retail garden centers (nurseries) or from mail order retailers. Large nurseries usually have a wide range of […]
Module 4: Design – From concept to plan
Up to now we have discussed principles and techniques for evaluating your site, designing gardens, and selecting plants. In this module we take up the […]
Module 5: Prepare – How to get your planting site ready
Unless you are already endowed with good soil and a ready site, you will need to prepare your soil for planting. Preparation involves laying out […]
Module 6: Preview – Make sure your garden looks right and has room to grow
Place your plants (still in their containers) in the bed and space them as the label indicates using the enclosed tape measure. When measuring the […]
Module 7: Plant – Install plants of all types and sizes
You should be ready to plant now. Follow the directions on the plant label, if provided. Use a shovel or hand trowel to dig holes. […]
Module 8: Maintain – watering to winterizing and everything in between
A clean garden is not like a clean room. A mulch will fade, weeds will crop up, and your sharp edges will blur. Your goal […]