A superb small variegated Hosta: Hosta ‘Allan P. McConnell’

Hosta’s are a staple in many gardens. Some garden variety Hosta’s are bland and boring and have given the genus a bit of a bad rap. However, many varieties have a special something that makes them a must-have addition to any shade garden.

Hosta’s come in incredible blues, vibrant greens, golds, and many have stunning variegations. Some grow to be giant specimen plants reaching well over three feet tall and wide. When you dig deeper into the world of Hosta’s, you will find them a welcome addition to your garden. They are ideal for full shade and part shade locations and live for generations. The only downside is that slugs and deer love Hosta, too, so you will need to use slug baits/traps or deer repellents to keep them away from your Hosta.

This little gem is Hosta’ Allan P. McConnell’, a beautiful cultivar propagated by Mildred Seaver in 1980, a renowned Hosta hybridizer. A Hosta grower said that the Hosta was named after a postal worker who was partially responsible for its propagation. Not sure if there is any truth to this, but if anyone knows the story, please send us a note! 

Hosta ‘Allan P. McConnell’ has beautiful variegation. Its small size makes it an excellent accent plant for a border, a rock garden, or even a ground cover since it is easily divided and grows quickly.

Likes part sun to part shade conditions, moist, well-drained soil, and does best in zones 3 to 9.

Key details

Plant Type: Perennial

Plant Name: Hosta

Height: Up to 12″

Width: Up to 20″

Foliage: Green with white variegation

Flower: Purple/Lavender blooms mid-summer

Climate: Zones 3-9

Soil: Loamy soil pH from 5.5 to 7.0 

Sun: Full shade to Part Sun.

Specific Conditions: Not deer resistant

Availability: While not an easy find at your local nursery, it can be found online and at many nurseries that specialize in Hosta’s.


Hosta ‘Allan P. McConnell’
Hosta ‘Allan P. McConnell’ emerging in the early spring
Dividing Hosta ‘Allan P. McConnell’ with a serrated breadknife
Small peat pots holding divisions of Hosta 'Allan P. McConnell'
Hosta ‘Allan P. McConnell’ after dividing
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